who holds a Wallenberg professorship. Magda sat in the WEF, IMF and represents nothing but a corrupt political backstage…
So anyone who thinks Klaus Schwabb controls anything in the WEF World Economic Forum is mistaken!
Adolf Lundin was the son of the chemist Harry Lundin and the brother of the head of KSI, Bertil Lundin.[2] His mother Maria Lundin, née von Wagner, was born into a German-speaking family in Odessa. His uncle Willy von Wagner died in 1943 on behalf of Germany during the occupation of Norway.[3] He was married to Eva Lundin, née Wehtje, who belonged to the family that controlled Skånska Cement; her sister was married to Marc Wallenberg. Lundin was the father of Ian H. Lundin and Lukas H. Lundin.
At the end of 1950 he searched in vain for oil in Colombia for Shell. Through his father-in-law Walter Wehtje, he got a job in the early 1960s at Ax:son Johnson-owned Nynäs Petroleum.
The text that is marked translates to “Less known is that he founded the world economic forum, that today plays a big role in geopolitics comparable to the UN.”
// G. Strand